August 15, 2019 – Contingency Planning by David Guerra, MBA

Halfway through the month of August. So far two and a half months into the 2019 Hurricane Season and only two named storms (Andrea & Barry). Folks, we are a long way from November 30, 2019 (end of the season) and now is not the time for anyone to rest on their laurels, especially those responsible for others.

Leaders, now is the time to review the plan. You do have a plan, don’t you? Your hurricane plan! Of course, if you have that plan, you obviously have a weather emergency plan, a power outage plan, a fire plan, and of course you most certainly have a plan on what you will do if you cannot perform your business for an extended period.

You certainly must have contingency plans. Every leader should be prepared for just about any unexpected event. However, there is one thing ALL Great Walking Leaders should include in their plans:

How will the man-made or natural unexpected event will impact the staff members. How will they be affected? How will their family be affected?

As a leader, not only is the right thing to ask but it is first thing to ask. If in a time of crisis your team is more concerned with what is happening at home, what good will they be at work? By including the personal concerns of the employees in the contingency plan, then it not only shows that you are Concerned and Caring Leader but a Leader that knows the true meaning of 360° degree planning (a.k.a. covering all your bases).

By having that information, as a leader you can better plan and prepare when it comes to knowing what members of the team will be present and how duties and responsibilities can be handed out.

So, get up from your desk and start asking questions: The Sooner, The Better!

-Dave The Walking Leader